The Assembly Elections in Delhi are scheduled to be held in the first week of February 2020. In the last assembly polls Arvind Kejriwal’s AAP had won 67 out of 70 seats surprising everyone. It has been 21 long years that BJP is out of power from the Delhi assembly. First late Smt. Sheila Dikshit from Congress party forced BJP to sit into the opposition for 15 long years then Arvind Kejriwal appears on the political scene of Delhi riding on the wave of anti-corruption movement in 2011. The BJP failed to form a government in Delhi assembly in 2013 and then in 2015 it lost badly in the polls. Since then BJP leaders are sworn enemies of AAP (Aam Aadmi Party) leaving no occasion to trouble them. In the second week of May during the general elections of 2019 i had discuss the horoscope of Arvind Kejriwal and had forecast his coming back to power in the assembly elections of 2020 in Delhi. Now in this post the horoscope of Arvind Kejariwal will be discuss in more depth in the light of coming assembly elections in Delhi State next year.
Horoscope of Arvind Kejriwal
16 August 1968, 07:30 hours at Hissar, Haryana
Longitude: 75 E 43’ and Latitude: 29 N 10’
Balance of Dasha in Vimshottari: Sun 4 years 7 months 13 days
In the Leo lagna horoscope of Arvind Kejriwal three benefic planets Jupiter, Venus and Mercury in the ascendant gives him a ‘pro-poor’ leader’s image. But since for Leo lagna Jupiter do not make a Raja Yoga with Venus and Mercury so his political career has been constrained under limitations. His Moon and lagna lord Sun both are in Rasi Gandanta which is also a weakness of this horoscope. Despite getting immense popularity with his surprise election wins in December 2013 and February 2015 he failed to capitalize on it. His party AAP was not able to expand into other states except Punjab where they are main opposition party in state assembly. See the debilitated Saturn, Jupiter and Mars in his Dashamsha chart which has weaken his administrative power. The three planets going into deblitiation in Dashamsha chart is not a welcome thing here.
Special Parashari Raja Yoga in Arvind Kejriwal’s horoscope
In Jupiter-Mercury-Moon he became the chief minister of Delhi for first time in December 2013 but resigned in the last week of February in a controversial manner. Later in Jupiter-Mercury-Saturn Dasha in Vimshottari he become the chief minister for second time in February 2015 when his party won the Delhi assembly polls with a thumping majority. Notice here the sub period lords Moon and Saturn are under the aspect of 5th lord Jupiter. Moon and Saturn are not good for Leo lagna chart but as a Parashari rule if any planet comes under the influence of strong 5th and 9th lord then it can give good results.
Now at the time of assembly elections in February 2020 Kejriwal would be running under Jupiter-Moon Dasha in Vimshottari from July 2019 to November 2020. Jupiter is the lord of 5th house from Janma lagna and it is 9th lord from Moon. In Navamsha Jupiter is in good Gajakesari Yoga and in Dashamasha Jupiter is involve in an excellent ‘Neecha-Bhanga- Yoga’. The Bhukti of Moon in the horoscope of Kejriwal falls under the Parashari rule we have discuss above. Moon is under the benefic aspect of 5th lord Jupiter. Also notice that Moon as the 12th lord is in 9th house of luck and is in exchange of houses with 9th lord Mars. So Moon is also involve with the 9th lord in a Yoga. If we study this condition from the ‘Chandra Kundali’ then we find that Moon is under the aspect of 9th lord Jupiter and it is in exchange with its sign lord Mars which is in the 4th house along with 5th lord Sun which is another good Raja Yoga. So the Dasha of Jupiter-Moon has the potency to give good results both from the Janma lagna and Chandra lagna.
Guru-Chandra Dasha of Arvind Kejriwal will give him victory in Delhi Assembly elections in 2020
At the time of elections Arvind Kejriwal will be under Jupiter-Moon-Jupiter in Vimshottari (18 December 2019 to 21 February 2020) which is good Dasha for him. Jupiter and Moon are in a good mutual exchange of houses in the Shashtiamsha chart of Arvind Kejariwal which is given above.
The Chara Dasha would be of Pisces-Scorpio (September 2019 to April 2020). The Pisces is the 8th house from Janma lagna and 9th from his Atamakaraka Sun. Amatayakaraka Moon aspect the 12th house from Pisces but it also gives the Jaimini aspect to the Bhukti Rashi Scorpio. The 10th house from the Bhukti Rashi Scorpio has three benefic planets Jupiter, Mercury and Venus under the aspect of Amatayakaraka Moon and Darakaraka Saturn which is a good Jaimini Raja Yoga. So Arvind Kejriwal can get reelected for the post of Delhi chief minister but his strength may get reduce considerably. I have also consider the horoscopes of some of the Delhi BJP and Congress leaders which will be discussed in coming blog post. As per my humble astrological opinion the ongoing benefic dasha of Guru-Chandra in the Simha lagna Kundali of Arvind Kejriwal will make him the chief minister of Delhi for the third time.