The green comet has been in the sky for nearly about a month since middle of January 2023. The comet has now travelled outwards away from earth in its orbit and will not be visible in the skies above the Earth for next fifty thousand’s years. As per the classical text of Mundane astrology ‘Brihat Samhita, which was written in 5th century AD, if the comets are visible in the sky or stars break then there will be earthquakes in the constellation of fire circle i.e. Agnay Mandal. Pushya, Kritika, Visakha, Bharani, Magha, Purva-Phalguni and Purvabhadrapada are Nakshatra’s or constellation of fire circle as per Brihat Samhita. Coincidentally, the earthquake that occurred in Turkey and Syria was in the constellation Magha of the fire circle (Agni Mandal). On the day of 6th of February Moon as in Magha Nakshatra in the constellation of fire circle.
Turkey and Syria Earthquake has left hundreds of thousands (lakhs) people homeless and took the lives of more than 35 thousand in the devastation which is increasing day by day. Three days before this earthquake, a geologist from the Netherlands had predicted on Twitter that a big earthquake could happen anytime in the countries of Middle East Asia. Now the same Dutch researcher Frank Hoogerbeets is claiming that in the coming few days, a major earthquake may occur in Afghanistan as well, which may affect a large area of Pakistan and India. According to Hoogerbeets this seismic activity will start from Afghanistan will end in the Indian ocean after crossing Pakistan and India.
Duct Scientist Predict Earthquake in Afghanistan, Pakistan and India
Astrological Yoga’s for seismic activity
Renowned astrologer of the last century, Dr. BV Raman has given some astrological formulas after extracting the horoscope (planetary position) of more than 200 major earthquakes. In his book ‘Astrology in Predicting Weather and Earthquakes’ at page number 66 Dr. Raman has given some important clues along with some examples of his past predictions about Earthquakes.
According to Garga Samhita, earthquakes mostly occur around eclipse, Full moon or new moon.
When major planets like Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Jupiter are in mutual Kendra (Square) or Trikona (Trine) then there is more possibility of earthquakes. Major earthquakes mostly occur during midnight, noon or early morning.
When the big planets are in the signs of the earth element (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) or the signs of the air element like Aquarius, Libra or Gemini, then very severe earthquakes can occur.
At the time of the Turkey and Syria earthquakes, Mars was in the earthy sign Taurus and Saturn was transiting in the airy sign Aquarius. Venus was also in Aquarius and the Sun was moving in the earthy sign Capricorn. The earthquake occurred in the early hours of the morning, the next day after the full moon of February 5th, 2023.
[Hindi] तुर्किये और सीरिया के बाद क्या भारत में भी आ सकता है भूकंपन ? क्या कहता है ज्योतिषशास्त्र ?
Omens to be seen in nature before a big earthquake
In the classical text Brihat Samhita a complete chapter has been dedicated towards earthquake forecasting. In the chapter number 32 ‘Bhukampa Lakshana Adhyay’ some major omens have been mentions which are to be observed in forecasting earthquakes.
According to Acharya Varahamihira, before an earthquake in the constellations of Vyavya Mandal , there is smoke in the sky all around, dusty storms, and the rays of the sun slow down. In the constellations of the fire circle, before the earthquake, stars break or meteorite falls, Digdaah is seen, strong wind and forest fire are also observed. Coincidentally, the earthquake that occurred in Turkey and Syria was in the constellation Magha of the fire circle (Agni Mandal). On that day, a green comet was seen in the sky, which had appeared earlier from the earth 50 thousand years ago. According to Varahamihira, the effect of these omens can last for two months.
Effects of Appearance of Green Comet
Therefore, due to the effect of this green comet, if any other earthquake occurs in the next two months around new moon or full moon then it will not be a surprise. But we would like to repeat here once again that the intensity of the earthquake and its direction is very difficult to forecast. In the ‘Ketu-Chaar-Adhyay’ chapter number 11 of Brihat Samhita the effects of the visibility of different comet’s in the sky has been discussed in details. As per the sloka number 11 of this chapter the appearance of Green comet can give devastating fire accidents.
As per ‘Bhukampa Lakshan Adhya’ chapter number 32, at the time of appearance of a comet there is a danger of an earthquake in Agnay Mandal Nakshatra which are Pushya, Kritika, Vishakha, Bharinim Magha, Poorva Bhadra Pada and Poorva Phalguni. So during the transit of Moon from the above mention Nakshatra’s around the time of coming full Moon or New Moon there will be a danger of an earthquake and also a major fire accident.
The new moon of 20th February and the full moon of 7th March are very sensitive to natural calamities such as earthquakes and danger for the big leaders according to planetary calculations.
Full Moon Horoscope
7 March 2023, 18:10 hours at Delhi
At the time of Full Moon of 7 March 2023 Moon is in Poorva Phalguni Nakshtra and would be in Kendra from major planets Saturn and Mars. The Nakshatra of Poorva Phalguni comes into ‘Agnaya Mandala’ which is very sensitive for an earthquake due to the appearance of the comet recently. At the time of Full Moon of 7th of March 2023 Mars would be in ‘out of bound’ motion as it is more than 21 degrees of declination. Thus, there will be a danger of an earthquake in the North-Western parts of India around the area of Hindukush region of Pakistan and Afghanistan. This earthquake may be measured for more than 7 at rector scale but it will not cause much damage as it was in case of Turkey-Syria earthquake recently.
[Hindi] कुम्भ संक्रांति की कुंडली दे रहे है भारत और पाकिस्तान के लिए इस बड़ी चुनौती का संकेत !