The assembly elections in Gujarat, which will be held during next month, are going to be very important for the Bhartiya Janata Party, ruling the state for the last 27 years. The current chief minister Bhupendrabhai Patel was made the Chief Minister in a surprising circumstances in September last year when his predecessor Vijay Rupani was asked to resign along with his entire cabinet. The change of the face of the Chief Minister and the Cabinet members in Gujarat can be seen as a political measure for suppressing the displeasure of the people of the state during the Corona epidemic. Now before going through the horoscope of Chief Minister Bhupendrabhai Patel, let us see how much power the opposition of Aam Aadmi Party and Congress can show, challenging BJP in the electoral contest.
AAP’s performance will be satisfactory, can become a national party
Aam Aadmi Party (AAP)’s foundation horoscope is set for November 26, 2012 at 12 noon at Delhi for Capricorn Ascendant rising , in which Moon is located in Aries sign. Due to the major Raja Yoga of Yogakaraka Venus, ascendant lord Saturn and 9th lord Mercury in conjunction at the tenth house, this party came into the helm of affairs in Delhi state within one year of her establishment. As per Jaimini system Atamakaraka Mercury, 5th lord Venus and Putrakaraka Saturn are in Libra, a movable sign , getting the aspect of Amatayakaraka Jupiter, which is in fixed sign in Taurus, thus making a great Raja Yoga.
Chart 1. Horoscope of Aam Aadmi Party
Karakamsha lagna is Taurus
Gulika is in Aquarius
After Delhi and Punjab AAP (Aam Aadmi Party) is now a state recognized party in Goa also after the recently concluded assembly polls in April month. And if the party secures more than 6% votes in a state in the upcoming assembly elections, then it will get the status of a national party according to the rules of the Election Commission.
In Vimshottari Dasha AAP is under Venus Dasha and Jupiter Anterdasha from July 2020 to March 2023. The Pratyanter Dasha of Rahu would be running from 29th of October onwards when election process will start. Although Dasha and Anter Dasha lords Venus and Jupiter are in 6/8 from each other, in both Rashi and Navamsha charts , but Pratyanter Dasha lord Rahu is strongly placed in the 11th house of gains in the birth chart.
In Dashamsha chart of Aam Aadmi Party the dasha lords at the time of elections Jupiter, Venus and Rahu are all strongly placed in the 3/9 axis which is good.
In Jaimini system Chara Dasha of Scorpio is running with majority of good Karaka’s in the 12th house in Libra though they aspect the 10th house Leo from the Dasha Rashi. So, this period shows medium gains for this party and although AAP will not win in any of the assembly polls but her performance in the elections will secure for them the position of a ‘National level’ party in India. AAP can become a state level party in both Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh thus securing for her a place of ‘National Level’ party in India which will be a major achievement for them.
Congress will be disappointed in Gujarat
Congress Party’s foundation horoscope we take for the time when Indira Gandhi split her organization to form Congress I on the January 2, 1978 at 12 noon. Pisces ascendant is rising in Congress I horoscope and Moon is in conjunction with Rahu in Virgo.
Chart 2. Horoscope of Congress I
Karakamsha lagna is Pisces and Gulika is in Aries
Presently Rahu’s anter dasha in the maha dasha of Jupiter is running from 9th of October this year . The party is likely to get good publicity in the coming days in the media due to its Bharat-Jodo Yatra which was initiated last month. But according to a Parashari rule, no planet is capable to give his full results in the beginning of its dasha or anter dasha. Since Rahu anter dasha, in the maha dasha of Jupiter, has just started few days ago so Congress (I) will get very average results in the upcoming assembly elections.
Rahu Anter Dasha of Congress Party
Although Rahu is making a good Raja Yoga as per a famous Parashari rule. Rahu and Ketu, when placed in Kendra houses get associated with Kona lords or placed in Kona houses get influence by Kendra houses lord produce a Raja Yoga. In the horoscope of Congress Party Rahu is in the 7th, a Kendra, house and is in conjunction with 5th lord, a Kona, Moon makes a good Raja Yoga.
Rahu is in Virgo sign in birth chart and in Navamsha of Gemini which is also good. Moreover, in Dashamsha and Dwadamsha Rahu is in benefic Varga’s. The anter dasha of Rahu starting from 9th of October can give Congress success in her Bharat Jodo Yatra but in its beginning it is not capable to give her election victory in an important state like Gujarat .
In Jaimini Chara Dasha system the Dasha of Virgo and Anter Dasha of Capricorn is running from July 2022 to May 2023. Virgo having 5th lord Moon is getting the aspect of Amatayakaraka Sun get the effects of Jaimini Raja Yoga in its Dasha. But from the Anter Dasha Rashi of Capricorn these Karaka’s are influencing the 12th house Sagittarius so moderate gains in the form of victory in small state like Himachal can be possible for Congress party but in important state like Gujarat they will have to sit in the opposition.
Bhupendrabhai Patel’s Raj Yoga will give big success
Born on July 15, 1962 at 6 pm in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, the birth chart of the current Chief Minister Bhupendrabhai Patel is of Sagittarius ascendant and his Moon is also of Sagittarius sign only. Sagittarius Ascendant was rising even when he was sworn in as the Chief Minister of Gujarat on 13th of September 2021 at 14 hours and 21 minutes at Gandhi Nagar Gujarat.
Chart 3. Horoscope of Bhupendrabhai Patel
Karakamsha lagna is Scorpio and Gulika is in Sagittarius
In the Sagittarius Ascendant birth chart of Bhupendrabhai Patel, the ninth house (luck or Bhagya ) lord Sun and the tenth house (Rajya Bhava) lord Mercury are in the 7th house making a great Raja Yoga as per Parashari system. The aspect of Jupiter on this conjunction of Sun and Mercury giving it special strength. He is a builder by profession who become the member of Gujarat legislative assembly in year 2017 when Rahu Dasha and Saturn anter dasha was running in Vimshottari in his horoscope. Saturn is in own sign in the birth chart in close degree conjunction with Ketu. In Dashamsha it is strongly placed in the lagna.
In his Rahu Dasha Ketu anter Dasha and Jupiter Pratyanter Dasha he become the chief minister of Gujarat in a very surprise manner as discussed in the beginning of this post. It is his birth chart which astrologically explain his surprise rise as Dasha lords are connected with the 8th house and the depositor of Rahu is Moon which is getting the aspects of 9th lord Sun, 10th lord Mercury and 5th lord Mars. In case of Rahu and Ketu if their depositor are strong and are involve in some Raja Yoga’s or influences of Raja Yoga Karaka planets then also they give very auspicious results.
Now Bhupendrabhai Patel is under the Vimshottari dasha of Rahu anter dasha of Venus and Pratyanter Dasha of Moon. The Rahu-Venus-Moon will be running from 23 September 2022 to 23 December 2022. Due to the strength of Moon, as mention above, he is likely to win Gujarat assembly election for his party in a very sensational manner. His anter dasha lord Venus is very strong in Rashi, Navamsha and Dashamsha which can get him reelected as the chief minister of Gujarat in this coming assembly elections in November-December.