After the lunar eclipse of 16/17th Of July this year lots of important events took place in Indian politics. The BJP government abrogated article 370 and 35A from the sate of Jammu & Kashmir. The state was also divided into two parts with Laddhak made a union territory without legislator and Jammu & Kashmir is now a union territory awaiting for an assembly elections to elect its fresh legislator. The curfew has been imposed in Kashmir valley since then and more than 400 of its leaders are under house arrest since two months. The lunar eclipse of 16/17th of July had fallen on the 8th house of the foundation horoscope of India and on the 10th from the natal Moon of Kashmir accession horoscope. Now Mars coming into Virgo today on the 25th of September will activate the eclipse point in Sagittarius where Saturn and Ketu are transiting at degree conjunction.
The period from 25th of September to 11th of November (2019) is dangerous for India showing terrorist attacks in Jammu & Kashmir, strikes of government servants, fire accidents and damage to public transport at large scale. However, the transit of Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars from Virgo will give some much needed boost to Indian economy for at least one month as these planets will give aspect to the 11th house of gains in the foundation horoscope of India.
In the Taurus (Vrishabha) lagna foundation horoscope of India the Vimshottari dasha of Moon-Jupiter is running till 10th of December 2019. Jupiter as the 8th lord in the 6th house of strife shows violence. Now when the transiting Saturn and Ketu are in Sagittarius with Mars from Virgo giving aspect to them have activated the 8th house so it is highly likely that some terrorist activities can give mass deaths. But where would these unfortunate events take place?
Jammu & Kashmir and Gujarat are at high risk for terrorist activities
In the Makar lagna horoscope of Jammu & Kashmir state the maha dasha of Mars in the 7th house is running at present and anter dasha of Rahu is running. It does indicate terrorist activities from neighboring country Pakistan in the next few days. In the Dhanu lagna horoscope of Gujarat state and in the Tula lagna and Dhanu Rashi chart of Delhi state there will also be risk of terrorist activities in the next 45 days.
In the Kashmir Accession horoscope Vimshottari dasha of Mars-Rahu from November 2018 to December 2019 is running at present. Mars is in the 7th house of violence with Saturn and Rahu is in the 5th house but get the aspect of Jupiter which is 3rd and 12th lord. The Mars-Rahu-Sun (22 September 2019 to 11 October 2019) and then Mars-Rahu-Moon (11 October 2019 to 12 November 2019) shows a terrorist attack which will further deteriorate diplomatic relations between India and Pakistan.
Now see the horoscope of coming New Moon or Amavasaya and notice the close degrees of Saturn and Ketu. They are in Sagittarius the 8th house of the foundation chart of India. Sagittarius is the lagna of Gujarat and Maharashtra states. It is the Moon sign of Delhi state (1 February 1992, 00:00 hours at midnight). These state of India comes under direct threat of violent terrorist activities for the next 30 days. Then notice the 3rd lord Sun in the 4th house with 4th lord Mercury getting the aspect of Saturn. It is a combination in New Moon chart indicating some big rail and bus accident. Mars the 6th lord giving aspect to the 8th lord Saturn shows strikes of government servant and transporters. There will be protest against the new motor vehicle act and on the government proposals for disinvestment of some public sector companies.
Since Sun and Moon are in the earthy Rashi Virgo at the time of New Moon or Amavasaya so there is a danger of some earthquake. Mars joining luminaries (Sun and Moon) in earthy sign Virgo in mutual aspect with Saturn confirm it. Mercury with luminaries and Mars is another yoga for earthquake which may come in the direction of south-east Asia. The countries like Indonesia and Philippines will be at high risk of an earthquake striking around 28th of September’s New Moon. This earthquake will be of 6.7 or more at rector scale. In India the state of Maharashtra and Gujarat may felt some medium range earthquake.