In Mundane astrology the horoscope cast at the time of eclipse is studied for making political, social and meteorological predictions. It is an ancient techniques of Hindu astrologers which is used by them since centuries. the effects of an eclipse are mostly observed at the place where it is visible. But since the planetary position at the time of an eclipse is studied on the basis of principals of mundane astrology so eclipse effects should also be observed on other places where it is not visible. The recent total solar eclipse of 2 July 2019 was mostly visible in some South American countries particularly in Argentina and Chile. Since this total solar eclipse is falling in the airy sign and airy Navamsha so it can bring a dangerous earthquake in countries like Chile, Mexico, Peru or Ecuador. There are more chances of an earthquake striking Chile in the next 30 days of this total solar eclipse of 2 July 2019.
Horoscope of Total Solar Eclipse of 2 July 2019
15:16 hours at San Diago, Chile
At the time of this solar eclipse the Sun is in Gemini which is the zodiacal sign of USA. The Gemini is also the 8th house from the Moon sign of US President Donald Trump who has his natal Moon in Scorpio. This eclipse will be bad for USA and its president Donald Trump. The USA has already put lots of economic sanctions on Venezuela and he also wants to construct a wall at its border with Mexico to stop illegal immigrants. Now in coming days the relations between USA and some other South American countries may start becoming strained. The USA will agitated with the growing influence of China in the Latin American countries.
A big earthquake in South-American foreseen in 2019
The effects of this solar eclipse may bring a big earthquake in South American countries in the next 3 months which would be more than 7.1 at the rector scale destroying many lives and properties. The countries like Chile, Argentina, Ecuador and Peru will get affected with it. In the horoscope of solar eclipse the Sun and Moon are in airy sign Gemini and they are in airy Navamsha Aquarius. An eclipse in airy or earthy sign can bring earthquakes specially when major planets like Saturn, Mars and Jupiter are retrograde. At the time of eclipse Saturn and Jupiter are in retrograde motion. There will also be destruction from rain and landslides as Jupiter and Mars are in watery sign at the time of this solar eclipse. The retrograde Jupiter and afflicted Sun also gives an indication of rise in gold prices in the next 30 days of this solar eclipse which will have its impact on the stock market investments also.