Sapta Nadi Chakra given in the classical text Narapati Jayacharya is use to see the weather trends on the basis of planetary transit into various Nakshatra’s. In this Chakra 28 Nakshatra, including Abhijit, are divided into 7 categories and the transiting planets are placed in it. These 7 divisions of Nakshatra’s are addressed as Nadi’s named Prachanda (fierce) , Pawan (windy) , Dahan (Hot) , Soumaya (Weather Change) , Neera (Good rain) , Jala (Better rain) and Amrit( Best Rain). As per the seasonal weather conditions of a particular region astrological forecast are made on the basis of current transit of planets into these Nadi’s. This year during the summer season most of the planets, including Saturn and Jupiter, will be transiting in the Prachanda and Pawan Nadi which will give record breaking heat waves with lots of dust storms and some moderate rains. The period from 15th of May to the 23th of June will be the hottest in most parts of Northern and Central India this year. The temperature during this period will be above normal for the season. Some of the deadly dust storms with light rain showers and hailstorms will give lots of damage in the region of U.P. , Bihar, Punja, Delhi and Haryana.
See the given below Sapta Nadi Chakra for 15 May 2019. Sun and Mercury are in Prachanda Nadi showing fierce weather. Saturn and Ketu are in Soumya Nadi which indicate windy conditions and dust storm. Mars is in the Dahan Nadi which signifies very hot winds disturbing for the people. There will be more than normal heat waves and dust storms giving lots of damage to farmers during 15th of May to 15th of June in the region of U.P. , Bihar, Haryana and Punjab. These dust storms may strike these regions at the time of Mars moving into Gemini around 7th of May , Mercury coming into Taurus on the 18th of May and around the New Moon of 5th of May.
Less rain during pre-monsoon season in south-India
It has been observed that when Mercury enter into Sagittarius it bring cold waves in winters and when it enters into Aries it bring heat-waves during summer. In the second fortnight of April this year Mercury will be conjoined with Venus in the sign Pisces as we can see in this Full Moon horoscope given here. This will give light rain and hailstorms damaging farmers crops.
Full Moon horoscope
19 April 2019, 16:42 hours at Delhi
Mercury and Venus are two watery planets which while transiting from the watery sign Pisces are likely to keep the temperate under control during the last fortnight of April. Although Mars will be in Rohini Nakshatra and also transiting ahead of Sun which as per Varahamihir’s Brihat Samhita is a yoga giving dryness and less rain. Mars and Rahu ahead of Sun will give less rain during the pre-monsoon season in southern states. In Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Maharashatra and Karnataka there will be less than normal rain during the pre-monsoon season this year. Saturn and Jupiter transiting from fiery sign Sagittarius also indicates the same.
Mercury enter into Aries on the 3rd of May
The entry of Mercury into Aries will bring rise in the temperature in the central, western and northern parts of the country. After the 3rd of May the heat wave will start showing its sever effects in the states of Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, U.P. , Punjab, Bihar, Jharkhand and Delhi.
New Moon horoscope
5 May 2019, 04:15 hours at Delhi
In the New Moon horoscope of the 5th of May we can see the opposition of Jupiter and Mars. Jupiter retrograde in watery sign Scorpio getting the aspect of Mars will bring thundershowers and dust-storms at many parts of northern states like U.P., Bihar, Haryana and Punjab. Notice the close conjunction of Ketu and Saturn in Sagittarius. They are in fiery sign and in watery Navamsha of Scorpio. This yoga will bring rains with dust-storms. Lots of destruction will happen due to it in many parts of northern-states during the month of May especially after the new Moon of the 5th of May.
Mars transiting in Ardra Nakshatra and possible delay in south-west monsoon
Not only the pre-monsoon rains will be less than normal but the south-west monsoon is also likely to get delay due to the Mars transiting ahead of Sun during the period from 15th of May to 15th of June. Mars will be afflicting the Ardra Nakshatra during this period which as per the classical text of Medini Jyotish gives delay in rains and extreme heat waves. The month of May and June will be very dry. The period from 15th of May to 15th of June could well be the hottest in the last 10 years or so. The central, western and northern states of India will get scorching heat waves during this period which may kill hundreds of people. The states of Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh will be the worst affected. The affliction to the Gemini sign shows less than normal rain and excessive heat in the West Bengal region and also in Bangaladesh. The affliction to Sagittarius will give record breaking heat waves in Uttar Pradesh and in Uttarakhand the wild-fires will destroy many forests. Thus the delay in south-west monsoon this year is likely to bring a situation of draught at many places which will give problems to the farmers in the entire month of May and June this year. The period from 15th of May to the 23rd of June, the time when Mars will be in Gemini, will be the most dry and hottest in the recent years in India. The temperature during this period will be above normal for the season.
Since the Gemini sign also signifies the USA so the above mention period will also give a scorching summer and lots of incident of forest fire this year. The Europe and North America will get the above normal temperature this year during the period from 15th of May to the 24rd of June this year.