The month of September 2018 will be remember for the historic judgements of the Supreme Court of India. It is a matter of a great case study for astrologers practicing ‘mundane astrology’. The lunar eclipse of 27/28 July 2018 had fallen on the Capricorn (Makar) sign over the 9th house of the Taurus lagna foundation horoscope of India. The 9th house in mundane astrology (Medini Jyotish) signify the Supreme Court and major laws passed by the parliament. In the month of September the apex court delivered landmark judgements like the one on ‘Section 377- declaring gay sex not a crime….’ , ‘ striking down Section 497- making adultery no longer a crime’ , ‘Aaadhaar Verdict’ and a big decision on Ayodhya case by ‘refusing to review the 1994 Judgement that said ‘Mosque is not integral to Islam’. These four historic judgements and the last years ‘right to privacy judgement’ will have far reaching implications which will bring major socio-religious changes in the Indian society in years to come.
In the second half of year 2015 one of my article ‘Moon dasha in the horoscope of India’ was published by the Express Start Teller magazine in which i had predicted that the maha dasha of 3rd lord Moon will bring major social and economic changes in the Indian society making it more liberal. I had also foretasted about the possible outbreak of ‘private you tube channels’ in India during the dasha of 3rd lord Moon in its own sign Cancer. In the last few years thousands of Indian’s have started making their ‘you tube channels’ to earn money through ‘Google ad-sense’. Millions of people in India have now get cheap access to the internet thanks to the Reliance’s JIO entering into the market in the year 2016 making it highly competitive and consumer friendly.
Now see the foundation horoscope of India given below to understand astrologically how India is undergoing a historic social transform which will soon make it one of the most liberal society in Asia.
In the Taurus (Vrishabha) lagna foundation horoscope of India the maha dasha of 3rd lord Moon is running from September 2015 to September 2025. Moon is in own house with cluster of planets. Moon as the 3rd lord giving aspect to the 9th house shows major social development in favor of women’s. Moon it-self is the significant of women, love, emotions, social ethics, media etc. There is no wonder that apex court had recently decided to give a judgement in favor of women in ‘Sabrimala temple case’ . The Supreme court has struck down a tradition of Sabrimala temple in Kerala that disallow the girls and women between the age group of 10 to 50 years from entering the temple. Notice here that this decision has came after 26th of September when the transiting Mars cross the degrees of eclipse of 27/28 July which had fallen in Capricorn (Makar rashi) the 9th house of religion in the foundation horoscope of India. The transiting Saturn from Sagittarius is giving its 7th aspect to the natal 7th lord Mars placed in Gemini in the foundation horoscope of India. The Jupiter transiting from Libra aspect the natal Mars of India with its 9th aspect thus completing the double transit phenomena on the 7th lord of the foundation horoscope of India.
The transiting Jupiter from Scorpio will be in the 7th house of the foundation horoscope of India and from Sagittarius it will be giving aspect to the natal 7th lord Mars in Gemini. Saturn is in Sagittarius till March 2020 so the period till then will bring more judicial interventions into the laws related with marriage and sex. The double transit phenomena of Saturn and Jupiter on the natal 7th lord of the foundation horoscope of India will bring crucial judgements in cases related with ‘Nikaha Halala’ , ‘LGBT marriages’ , ‘Immoral Trafficking Act 1956’ , ‘ Marital Rape under section 375’ etc.
Eclipse effects in Mundane astrology
The lunar eclipse of 27/28 July 2018 had fallen in the Capricorn sign when Sun and Moon were at 11 degrees in opposition on the day of Full Moon. The Sun was in Cancer and Moon was in Capricorn. As soon as the Mars crossed the degrees of eclipse on the 26th of September we had four major decision by the Supreme court which is historical. It is a cardinal principal of mundane astrology that the effects of an eclipse are felt at the maximum when a planet cross over at the degrees of Sun and/or Moon. In simple words we had to note the degrees of Sun and Moon at the time of an eclipse (solar or lunar). Whenever a planet traverse over that degrees major events take place. If a malefic cross the eclipse degrees or eclipse point then events are dramatic and enigmatic in nature. If benefic planets like Jupiter, Mercury and Venus transit over the eclipse point then it give peace and happiness to the people and promote harmony in the society. The results of the eclipses are felt till 3 months so this transit of planets had to be observed within the period of 90 days from that eclipse in question.
Future of Ayodhya Ram Temple- Babri Masjid case
Apart from the Sabrimala case the apex court has also given a historic judgement in another religious matter by deciding not to refer the 1994 judgement in Ismail Faruqui case to the larger constitutional bench. The apex court remarks ” Mosque is not essential to Islam” and for them Ayodhya matter is a title dispute like any other civil case. The next date for Ayodhya hearing is on 29th of October by then the Justice Ranjan Gogoi will take the oath of the new chief justice of India. Justice Ranjan Gogoi then would have time till November 2019, before he retires, to hear and deliver a judgement in Ayodhya matter. But most likely the Ayodhya Ram Temple dispute will be able to resolve in year 2020 only when the transiting Saturn and Jupiter will reach at the 9th house of the foundation horoscope of India with Vimshottari dasha of Moon-Saturn running.
Supreme decision in ‘gay sex and adultery case’
Earlier supreme court had also declared section 377 null and void making gay sex decriminalized. The apex court strike down the IPC (Indian Penal Code) section 377 which was a British era law of 1861 making gay sex a criminal offense. This major decision giving relief to the LGBT community came in the first week of September 2018. Later in the last week of September 2018 the apex court also scraped the section 497, a 150 year old law, keeping adultery a ground for divorce as earlier but not a criminal offense. Chief Justice Dipak Misra remarked in this judgement that ” Two individuals may part if one cheats, but to attach criminality to infidelity is going too far. Besides, there is no data to back claims that abolition of adultery as a crime would result in “chaos in sexual morality” or an increase of divorce. How married couples deal with adultery is “absolutely a matter of privacy at its pinnacle”, the Chief Justice wrote”.
See the Hindu New Year 2018 horoscope given below to understand this historic judgement and its possible implications affecting the Indian society in future.
Notice the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus in the 7th house of the Hindu New Year horoscope for 2018. Venus as the 9th lord here shows the landmark judgement changing the laws related to sex and marriage. The abolishment of ‘gay sex’ and ‘adultery’ as crime are welcome decision by the apex court. Very soon court may also have to face the question about the status of illegitimate child or child born out of wedlock in some public interest litigation. The court will also have to take a decision in ‘ Nikah Halala practice’ case which is in hearing in front of them. It is highly likely that supreme court may declare the practice of ‘Nikah Halala’ as illegal any time before March 2019 as per this Hindu New Year horoscope.
Can Marital Rape be declared a criminal offense ?
In August 2017 the Supreme Court in a judgement said that ” forced marital intercourse and sexual act can not be consider as criminal act under section 375 of Indian penal code which which defines the offense of rape, has an exception clause that says the intercourse or sexual act by a man with his wife, not below 15 years, is not a rape “. But now recently in its judgement on ‘Adultery case’ scraping section 497 the Supreme court has made a remark that a ‘husband is not a master of wife‘ and about the ‘sexual preferences of women after marriage’ the apex court has paved the way for the future review the demand for considering making ‘ marital rape’ a criminal offence under the section 375 of Indian penal code. In the coming years the Supreme Court may clear the way for wives to complain against their husband’s for marital rape under certain conditions. Marital rape can be declared a criminal offense in some very specific conditions. If this kind of judgement came from the apex court, which is highly likely in next few years, then it will seriously affect the social fabric of our society and divorce rate is certainly going to be shoot-up fast.
The law related with prostitution which comes under section 1956 Immoral Trafficking Act will also be amended which currently are against the sex workers making them pron for exploitation by police. Currently in India prostitution is not illegal but propagating and developing this profession is restricted by law thus an individual practicing it can not solicit clients in public and brothels can not be maintain legally. This situation will change drastically any time before March 2020 due to the double transit phenomena over 7th lord Mars in the foundation horoscope of India. There will be some major changes in the Immoral Trafficking Act to protect the rights of prostitutes and to save them from harassment by police.
Sexual revolution of Indian society coming in its Mars maha dasha
The judgement of supreme court in adultery case will have its psychological impact on the educated public who will now start coming out of the guilt feeling in the matters of ‘extra-marital relationships’ As an astrologer i have personally seen lots of such cases and as per my humble opinion in the next few year the divorce rate will go very high in India due to a ‘sexual revolution’ in society specially among the women’s. The Indian women were subject to suppression since centuries specially after the Muslim invasion of India. Now in the Independent India the Venus dasha ( 1989 to 2009) earlier and now the Moon maha dasha ( 2015 to 2025) is going to give them the freedom they deserve. People with ‘patriarchal mind set’ will regret this but they will not able to stop this revolution which is an astrological inevitability. By the time the maha dasha of Mars will come in September 2025 India would prepare itself for a bigger social revolution changing the fabric of its society dynamically making it very liberal for its women giving them more choice in the matters of ‘sexuality’.
Mars as the 7th lord in the foundation horoscope of India is in sign Gemini (signifying sexual union between man and women) under the aspect of 11th lord Jupiter from the 6th house shows tremendous liberalization in the matter related with marriage and sex in the Indian society. The dasha of Mars will be from September 2025 to September 2032 which will bring a collapse of the ‘institution of marriage’ in the major cities in India.The divorce rate will then increase very sharply and more number of people will give preference to the ‘live-in-relations’ than marriage in Indian urban society. Sex will be discuss openly in society, media and literature. It will not remain a taboo as it has become off-late since the invasions of Muslim’s and later during the ‘Bhakti-Kaal’ ( era of devotional literature) in the 14th to 16th Century.
Aaadhaar Judgement and its socio-economic effects
The five judges bench of supreme court delivered much awaited verdict on the constitutional validity of Aaadhaar the bio-metric linked unique identity project. The supreme court in 4-1 majority upheld the validity of Aaadhaar act with some restrictions. The judges struck down Section 33(2), which allowed disclosure of Aadhaar data based on an order of a Joint Secretary . Equally importantly, the court also decided to reduce the time period for storing authorisation/transaction of data and put limitations on use of meta-data, thus reducing the scope for profiling of individuals. The apex court also said that Aaadhaar need not to be linked compulsorily by the banks and mobile operators. But the court has not commented on the status of data which the banks and mobile operators has already gathered with them ?
Mandatory linking of Aadhaar has been denied for school admissions and enrolling in UGC and CBSE exams. The restrictions have been placed on its use by private companies—including payment banks, technology firms—that relied on Aadhaar-based know-your-customer (KYC) norms for digital authentication.
See the horoscope of Lunar Eclipse of 27/28 July 2018 where the Moon is in the 9th house of Supreme Court along with 7th lord Mars showing major judgements in marriage and sex related matters. Apart from it also notice the lagan lord Venus in the 4th house and the 4th lord Sun in mutual aspect with the Moon and 7th lord Mars showing important judgement concerning with general public. The 4th house in mundane astrology relates with ‘people in general’. The Aaadhaar judgement will have very diverse effects in different areas of the lives of common Indian people. The government of India may come up with some legislation or amendments in the Aaadhaar act to dilute the Supreme Court judgment in this case. The government may bring some law in the parliament to give legal backing to the private companies like banks and mobile operators to continue using Aaadhaar for consumer verification. Such use was banned by Supreme Court when it strike down the section 57 of Aaadhaar act.
See the Full Moon horoscope of 25th of September 2018 to understand the possible effects of the supreme court judgements given during this fortnight.
In the Full Moon horoscope for the 25th of September 2018 notice the strong 9th lord Mercury with 11th lord Sun in the 12th house in mutual aspect with 10th lord Moon. The 4th ( people in general) and 5th lord Saturn aspect the 9th house and the 9th lord showing these historic judgement after the Full Moon of 25th of September 2018. In Navamsha the Scorpio sign is rising and the 9th lord Moon is strong in the 11th house. The 9th lord Moon in the Navamsha chart is in mutual aspect with lagan lord Mars and the 10th lord Sun. The judgements in Aaadhaar case, Sabrimala temple case, Adultery case and Ram Temple case are path breaking in the history of Independent India.
Now also notice the close degree conjunction of Mars and Ketu in the 4th house which also signifies buildings and structures apart from many other significations. This combination can give a destructive earthquake during this fortnight in the North-West direction of the country signify by the Capricorn or Makar Rashi. The Mars is in Shravana Nakshatra which specially related with the states of Punjab (both in India and Pakistan) and also Himachal Pradesh where this strong earthquake may strike. There shall also be danger of some border clashes between the armies of India and Pakistan on the North-West borders.