The swearing-in of the Yogi Adityanath on the 19th of March at the post of chief minister of Uttar Pradesh surprised political ‘Pandits’ across the country. The ascendancy of Yogi Adityanath was also widely reported in the foreign media as a retrospective steps of Modi towards ‘Hindutava’ ideology. It was reported by the Indian media earlier that Yogi Adityanath was not the original choice of Narendra Modi for the post of chief minister. Modi and Amit Shah wanted Manoj Sinha for this post . They had send Manoj Sinha from Delhi to U.P. to take the charge. But the state BJP chief Keshava Prasad Maurya and many other MLA’s had objected on the name of Sinha. Yogi Adityanath then emerged as the leader of the majority of BJP MLA’s in U.P. and it become a compulsion for the Modi to choose him for the post of C.M. of the state. Now astrologically the oath taking horoscope of Yogi Adityanath shows that it is highly unlikely that he may complete his tenure.
Yogi Adityanath is a firebrand leader from Poorvanchal region of Uttar Pradesh. This 5 time member of parliament (M.P.) from the Gorakhpur constituency was the star campaigner in U.P. assembly polls. He is also a Mahant (head priest) of Gorakhnath Math and founder of Hindu Yuva Vahini , a hard core Hindutava organization engaged in extreme religious activities. Interestingly the Yoga Adityanath has had strained relationship with the BJP for more than a decade. He had established his own powerbase in the Eastern Uttar Pradesh with the help of Gorakhnath Math and Hindu Yuva Vahini. On many occasions when his vice was not heard in the party he had fielded his candidates against the official candidates of the BJP in some elections. He was also charged with many criminal cases for his controversial activities like conversion of Christians to Hinduism in 2005 and hate speeches on the issue of ‘Love-Jihad’ and banning cow-slaughter in the state.
The swearing-in of Yogi Adityanath is seen as a major transformation in the politics of Uttar Pradesh as the BSP and SP, once a major force in U.P. , has not been downgraded in Modi wave in the recently concluded assembly elections.
The Yogi Adityanath government came into the action very swiftly taking the important decisions such as ban on the illegal slaughterhouses, forming Anti Romeo squad to tackle eve teasing, scrapping 20 percent minority quota scheme, providing food to the poor at Rs. 5/- etc. Let’s see the foundation chart of U.P. first to observe this political change from the astrological point of view.
Oath Taking Chart of Yogi Adityanath
19 March 2017 at 14:18 hours , Lucknow (U.P.)
Tithi: Krishna Saptami, Vaar: Sunday , Nakshatra: Jyeshtha
Karana: Vishti , Yoga: Siddhi
The rising sign in the ascendant of swearing-in chart is Cancer which is the 8th house from the Janma Chandra of Yogi Adityanath born on 5 June 1972. Yogi Adityanath was born as Ajay Singh Bisht into a Garwali Rajput family on 5 June 1972 when Moon was in Aquarius (Kumbha) sign. At the time of his swearing-in as chief minister of U.P. the rising sign in the ascedant was Cancer which is 8th from his natal Moon. The lord of the Cancer sign is Moon debliteated in the 5th house. The Saturn is placed in the 2nd house from Moon which is not consider good in oath-taking charts. I have observed this in scores of oath-taking horoscope that when Saturn is placed along with Moon or in the 2nd or 12th from it then it gives the similar effect as of a ‘Sadhe-Sati’. The person holding the office comes under lots of menal stress in this case.
The Saturn will remain in Sagittarius till the last months of 2019. So the time till year 2019 will be crucial for Yogi Adityanath government. The BJP has high hopes from Yogi Adityanath to perform well and win maximum number of seats in UP during the general elections of 2019.
The following are the important features of this oath taking horoscope of Yogi Adityanath government in U.P.
- Mars strongly placed in the 10th house of government in both Rashi and Navamsha shows that Yogi Adityanath will perfrom as a hard task master in the state. He will improve the law and order sitation in the state very swiftly.
- Moon receiving the aspect of Mars in both Rashi and Navamsha may bring radical changes in the state administration. There will be hundreds of transfers of IAS and IPS officers in a very surprise manner. The working style of Yogi Adityanath government will be highly unconventional and fast.
- In the oath taking chart the maximum numbers of planets are influencing the 9th house and its lord Jupiter. The Sun, Mercury and Venus are in the 9th house in mutual aspect with Jupiter placed in the 3rd house. The 7th and 8th lord Saturn is giving aspect to the 9th lord Jupiter showing religious disputes.
- The issue of ban on cow slaughter, Ram Temple Dispute, ‘Triple Talaq’ will be at the agenda of new U.P. government. They may pass some controversial legislation on these matters in the state assembly in next 2 years.
- There will be some religious disputes during the months of July to October this year when Saturn would have been transiting from Scorpio sign over the natal Moon of the oath-taking chart of Yogi Adityanath. Noticeable point here is that the Scorpio is also the Moon sign of BJP and Prime Minister Modi.
- The 9th house is the house of higher judiciary. The affliction on the 9th lord Jupiter may also bring some trouble for the government from the Allahabad High Court.
- The strong influences of planets on the 5th and 9th houses shows that state government will do good job in the areas of education, health care, social service, tree plantation and sanitation.
The swearing-in of Yogi Adityanath as the chief minister of country’s most populous state has been seen as the boldest ideological statement of the BJP. The party had won the assembly elections with historical mandate by getting 312 seats out of 403. During the election campaign the BJP had mixed Hindu polarization and development agenda with ease as the results are showing. But from the astrological point of view the swearing-in horoscope of Yogi Adityanath shows that this move may cause serious problem for the BJP in next 2 years. It is highly likely that Yogi Adityanath may not complete his full term.