In the classics of ‘Medini Jyotish’ (Mundane Astrology) the subject of astro-meteorology is of primary importance as at the time when these text were written it was an era of an agrarian society depending heavily upon good harvest. In those texts, the methods of forecasting rain have given much importance but almost nothing have been discuss about predicting summer and winter seasons. However, in modern times the legendry astrologers like late Shri B.V. Raman, late Shri Hardeo Sharma Shastri Trivadi and Shri K.N. Rao did lots of work in forecasting weather for all seasons around the year. In his book ‘Astrology in Predicting Weather and Earthquakes’ late Shri B.V. Raman has given lots of clues which can be used by a student of Mundane Astrology in forecasting meteorological disturbances for a season and giving predictions of an earthquake.
In my article “Forecasting Trends for the Summer Season 2015” published in the April issue of Express Star Teller i had discuss about the possibility of an earthquake striking the north-eastern region of India in the fortnight starting from 19th of April 2015. I had also discuss about this possibility it in my article “Reconstructing the Rules of Astro-meteorology and Astro-seismology” published in the November-December issue of the BVB Journal of Astrology.
The following predictions were made in those two articles about the fortnight starting from 19th of April 2015.
“At the time of new moon of 19th of April 2015, the luminaries (Sun and Moon) will be in an earthy navamsha Taurus that is a signal of an earthquake. This earthquake may be recorded in its intensity of 6 or more at the rector scale considering the fact that Saturn and Mars are also in an earthy navamsha Virgo at the time of new moon. The Saturn in Anuradha nakshatra and Mars in Bharani nakshatra are in mutual aspect with each other in the crucial Nakshatra Sangatta Chakra given here. On the day of 20th of April, the Moon will move into Bharani nakshatra joining Mercury and Mars there. Therefore, these three planets will be in mutual aspect with retrograde Saturn in Anuradha nakshatra forming a dangerous combination of an earthquake on or around 20th of April 2015. This earthquake may strike in the northeast direction signify by Bharani nakshatra. The northeastern states of India come under the danger seismic zone V.
In the Rashi Sangatta Chakra for the day of new moon the luminaries (Sun and Moon), Mars, Mercury are in mutual aspect with retrograde Saturn and Ketu. In the Rashi Sangatta Chakra the sign Aries, Scorpio and Pisces gives aspect to each other. This Chakra also confirms the possibility of an earthquake and landslides during the fortnight starting from 19th of April. The Japan signifies by Aries sign and Iran signifies by Capricorn sign will also have chances of a strong earthquake in the fortnight starting from 19th of April. {The respective new moon chart of Japan and Iran confirms this possibility}”
There will also be a serious threat from the Chinese intrusions in the Ladakh region of Jammu & Kashmir during the second fortnight of April as Saturn is afflicting Anuradha Nakshatra which signifies this area.
The above predictions of mine were also published on the web site of Hindi News Paper Amar Ujala in an article on the Lunar Eclipse of 4th April. This article was appear on 30th of March 2015.
Foot Note on Rashi Sangatta Chakra and Nakshatra Sangatta Chakra :-